

  1. Set up a Kubernetes/OpenShift cluster with DNS enabled.
  2. Create your application image that performs a DNS lookup to find cluster nodes.
  3. Create a service to access your cluster: target it only at the nodes that should be accessible by clients (e.g. Elasticsearch client nodes).
  4. Create a headless service that uses a common label subset - use the service name as the DNS entry that your application image looks up to find cluster nodes.
  5. Create replication controllers for your pods. If you have multiple pod types that should form part of the same cluster remember to use a common subset for your labels.

The details

One of the big promises of Kubernetes & OpenShift is really easy management of your containerised applications. For standalone or load-balanced stateless applications, Kubernetes works brilliantly, but one thing that I had a bit of trouble figuring out was how do perform cluster discovery for my applications? Say one of my applications needs to know about at least one other node (seed node) that it should join a cluster with.

There is an example in the Kubernetes repo for Cassandra that requests existing service endpoints from the Kubernetes API server & use those as the seed servers. You can see the code for it here. That works great for a cluster that allows unauthenticated/unauthorized access to the API server, but hopefully most people are going to lock down their API server (OpenShift comes with auth baked in by the way & secure by default). If you’re going to secure your API server then you’re going to have to distribute credentials via secrets around to every container that wants to call the API server. Personally I’d rather only distribute secrets when absolutely necessary: if there’s a way to achieve what we need to achieve without distributing secrets then I would prefer to do that.

It would be cool if Kubernetes had the concept of cluster seeds baked in & could provide seeds to pods through configuration, but right now it can’t so we’re going to take advantage of a couple of things that Kubernetes provides to do that: headless services & DNS.

Before we go any further, a quick recap of 3 Kubernetes concepts we’ll be using in this post (taken from the excellent Kubernetes documentation):

  1. Pods are the smallest deployable units that can be created, scheduled, and managed. Pods are a colocated group of containers (run on the same node) & share stuff like network space (e.g. IP address) & disk (via volumes). Read more
  2. Replication controllers (RCs) ensure that a specified number of pod “replicas” are running at any one time. If there are too many, it will kill some. If there are too few, it will start more. Read more
  3. Services are an abstraction which defines a logical set of Pods and a policy by which to access them. The set of Pods targeted by a Service is determined by a Label Selector. A service is used to access a group of pods through a consistent IP address without knowing the exact pods, especially important considering the ephemeral nature of pods. Read more

A headless service is a service that has no IP address (& therefore no service environment variables, load-balancing or proxying). It is simply used to track what endpoints (pods) would be part of the service. Perfect for simple discovery.

I’m going to assume you have a working Kubernetes cluster up & running. If you don’t then you can really easily set one up on any Docker-enabled host via a script that Fabric8 provides (see here if you’re interested). Note that the script will actually spin up OpenShift3 rather than vanilla Kubernetes as Fabric8 uses some of the extensions that OpenShift provides, like builds, deployment pipelines, etc for other things. Everything below will work on vanilla Kubernetes of course.

You’re also going to need to have the DNS cluster add-on. Btw, this is another capability that OpenShift provides by default.

For a working (hopefully!) example, I’m going to use Elasticsearch as I’m pretty familiar with it & it’s awesome horizontal scalability lends itself very well to hopefully explaining this clearly. This is an application that we provide for one click installation as part of Fabric8 to build up Elasticsearch clusters. To make this a little more interesting we’re actually going to create a cluster of the 3 different types of Elasticsearch node: Master, Data & Client. If you’re building a large cluster this is probably what you would want to do. We’re going to make it so that each type can be scaled individually by resizing the respective replication controller & each node is going to discover other nodes in the cluster via a headless service.

So to action…

Before we actually create anything, let’s prepare our Kubernetes manifests. We’ll send the create requests to the API server at the end - don’t jump the gun!

First let’s create our replication controllers. All 3 look pretty similar - this one’s for the client nodes:

  "apiVersion" : "v1beta1",
  "id" : "elasticsearch-client-rc",
  "kind" : "ReplicationController",
  "labels" : {
    "component" : "elasticsearch",
    "type": "client"
  "desiredState" : {
    "podTemplate" : {
      "desiredState" : {
        "manifest" : {
          "containers" : [ {
            "env" : [
              { "name" : "SERVICE_DNS", "value": "elasticsearch-cluster" },
              { "name": "NODE_DATA",    "value": "false" },
              { "name": "NODE_MASTER",  "value": "false" }
            "image" : "fabric8/elasticsearch-k8s:1.5.0",
            "imagePullPolicy" : "PullIfNotPresent",
            "name" : "elasticsearch-container",
            "ports" : [
              { "containerPort" : 9200 },
              { "containerPort" : 9300 }
          } ],
          "id" : "elasticsearchPod",
          "version" : "v1beta1"
      "labels" : {
        "component" : "elasticsearch",
        "type": "client"
    "replicaSelector" : {
      "component" : "elasticsearch",
      "type": "client"
    "replicas" : 1

Few things of importance here: notice the labels on the pod template:

"labels" : {
  "component" : "elasticsearch",
  "type": "client"

For the replication controllers for data & master nodes, you will need to update the type in the label - leave the component part alone: having a common subset in the labels for all the node types is what we will use when we create our headless service.

The environment variables are something that the fabric8/elasticsearch-k8s uses to configure Elasticsearch so you will need to update the NODE_DATA & NODE_MASTER environment variables appropriately for the other two replication controllers for the other node types.

We want all access to the Elasticsearch cluster to go through the client nodes so let’s create a service to do just that:

  "id": "elasticsearch",
  "apiVersion": "v1beta1",
  "kind": "Service",
  "containerPort": 9200,
  "port": 9200,
  "selector": {
    "component": "elasticsearch",
    "type": "client"

Notice that the selector matches the labels of the client nodes replication controller only.

Finally we create a headless service that we’re going to use to discover our cluster nodes:

  "id": "elasticsearch-cluster",
  "apiVersion": "v1beta1",
  "PortalIP": "None",
  "kind": "Service",
  "containerPort": 9300,
  "port": 9300,
  "selector": {
    "component": "elasticsearch"

Notice the PortalIP is set to None - that means no IP address will be allocated to the service. Sadly we still have to specify the containerPort & port although these are not used at all.

The final thing to take not of is the id: elasticsearch-cluster. This is the DNS name that the service can be discovered under. With a normal service, the DNS entry that is registered is an A record with the IP address that is allocated to the service. With a headless service, however, an A record is created for each service endpoint (pod targeted by the specified selector) for the service name.

Go ahead & create your resources - create the services first so that cluster discovery service is available when the nodes first come up.

Once your resources are created & the pods are up, let’s check the DNS entries have been created properly with a quick dig. On my setup, this is the result:

$ dig @localhost elasticsearch-cluster.default.local. +short

And for the Elasticsearch client service:

$ dig @localhost elasticsearch.default.local. +short

If we use the Elasticsearch client service to check the health of the cluster:

$ curl\?pretty

  "cluster_name" : "elasticsearch",
  "status" : "green",
  "timed_out" : false,
  "number_of_nodes" : 3,
  "number_of_data_nodes" : 1,
  "active_primary_shards" : 0,
  "active_shards" : 0,
  "relocating_shards" : 0,
  "initializing_shards" : 0,
  "unassigned_shards" : 0,
  "number_of_pending_tasks" : 0

Yay - it worked! 3 nodes in our cluster discovered without any need for credentials to be distributed using DNS.

Now play with resizing each of the 3 node types & see what happens - easy cluster resizing FTW.

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Jimmi Dyson



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